April 13, 2013

a baby bunny

We became a family of 3 a couple weeks ago!

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So here's the story...

We were out driving around on our Friday night date. I randomly suggested that we go into the pet store for something fun to do. When we first walked in, there was a wall of cages that were filled with puppies. I've never really been a huge pet person. I'm slightly afraid of big dogs and don't like getting covered in hair and slobber. So while it is fun to go look at the cute animals in a pet store, I'm never really tempted to actually get one. But today was different.

We stopped for a moment to look at this adorable black lab that was only a couple months old and talked about Boscoe, the lab that Nic grew up with. I quickly, and I mean full on sprinted past the row of tarantulas to get to the back of the store. I don't care if those things are in a bullet proof container {which they are not} I don't even want to come within 10 feet of one of them! yeesh! I turned the corner and saw two baby bunnies in a glass cage. I squealed and reached my hand toward the one who was sleeping in the corner against the glass. I fully expected to startle it awake but it just kept sleeping while I petted it. I.ABOUT.DIED. Not even kidding.

I have had several bunnies growing up but they were always skiddish and not so friendly. But not this one. I completely fell in love with this little bunny. We didn't want to make a split decision without thinking about it so we ended up leaving the store. The whole rest of the night we kept talking about that little bunny. We went home and decided to sleep on it. When we woke up the next morning, we drove right back to that store and she has been happily hopping around our home ever since!

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By the way, we thought she was a boy at first until her gender was confirmed by a vet. We definitely will NOT be betting on the gender of our children if these are our outcomes. ha

Meet Rue!

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1 comment:

  1. She is so cute! I can so see why you fell in love. Honestly I had the same type of thing happen with my kitty. I was kind of looking for one and my friend sent me a picture and I fell in love. He is my little baby, well not so little anymore, but I am so glad I got him!


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