November 6, 2012



Four years ago, I rushed to an indoor stadium on my college campus where a long line of polling booths were set up. This is where I voted for my very first time. It had been a really long day of classes but I made sure that I made time for this because it was important to me. I had just graduated from high school a few short months before where I took an American Government class and really learned about the political system for the first time. Now, I'm not a person who likes to discuss politics or really even hear about them for that matter, but it had sparked my interest in seeking my own personal views. I know that it is no mistake that seniors in high school take this class right before they turn 18 and I'm grateful for the opportunity it gave me to learn. With that in mind, it was the reason why I had the desire to vote on that day. I got there sometime in the evening, registered, and was handed a ballad. I remember feeling a little rushed as I noticed people taking down the long line of polling booths beside me. It was then that I learned that the election was over and it made me question if my vote really even mattered.

Four years went by and I hadn't really had to consider that question since. Until these last couple weeks as today crept up on me. I knew in my heart where I stood. I also knew that as a future educator in Idaho, it was so important that my voice be heard. This specific election will determine a lot about my future career. So again that spark was ignited and it became important to me that I vote. So, at 11:00 this morning I did just that. I waited in a long line to have my voice heard and not matter happens, I'm so glad I did.

I'm grateful to the women who fought for equality so that I could have the right to vote in this country. And if that isn't reason enough to be rejoice, praise the Lord that the Facebook bashing and campaign adds end today! :)

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