October 2, 2012

the thing about being sick

...... there's not a lot you can do. And the crappy part about having a head and chest cold {besides the obvious}, is that the upper half of your body leaves you feeling like you want to die while your lower half is feeling just fine.
Restlessness leaves you with the following four options:
a :: sleep 
b :: watch an unhealthy amount several episodes of How I Met Your Mother
c :: down another bottle of cold syrup
d :: online shop
and I'll have you know I participated in all three.
Basically it was a party around here.

Lets talk about option d. I'm realizing the unfortunate thing about online shopping is the lack of immediate gratification that option a, b, and sometimes c provide. I've had the same phone for the last five years now and it is currently missing the entire front button to both send and end calls, an entire row of keys is no longer lit up, and it shuts off any time I decide to open and close it. It really is a lovely piece of technology. So even though I was hopped up on meds, I did have a valid reason for the following purchases.

* back-ordered until October 18th *

* arriving no sooner than December 7th * 

GET OUT of town! Who are these people?!

Excuse me while I go swoon over these pictures.

P.S. Today was better than the last four so lets hope I'm on the mend!

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