August 9, 2012

one of the many wonders of the world (ahem i mean Pocatello, ID)

As Nic and I were driving to our bank the other day we took a different route than I'm used to and came across this several story brick building. It was in an area of town where there are a lot of old rundown warehouses so it kind of stuck out like a sore thumb. The parking lot was completely empty which I thought was strange for a Friday. With the two second drive by I had to figure out what this place was. 

Lately I've noticed more and more tourists in this small town. They aren't hard to miss as they funnel out of big greyhound buses with their cameras (and sometimes binoculars) swung around their necks. Then I think to myself, where do these people come from and what exactly is so intriguing about this town?
Don't get me wrong, I love this small town. In my four years here I've loved going to school at ISU and of course, where would I be if I hadn't met Nic here but other than that, there isn't anything fascinating or out of the ordinary about it. In fact, our "mall" currently has like 10 stores all of which are clinging to stay open. We have an unusual amount of Subways, about 10 in a five mile radius but what town doesn't have at least one of those?!

Well folks, my perspective changed and I have now learned one of the many wonders of Pocatello, ID.


I kid you not!
They MUST come far and wide to see that.
On our drive, Nic proceeds to tell me how the building was old and rundown just like all the other warehouses surrounding it. A wealthy man who owned a cleaning supply store in town invested in the building, fixed it up, and began his journey to find the very first vacuums, mops, and other cleaning crap ever made. Riveting I tell you what.

So, I know next time you are planning a vacation that Pocatello, ID will most definitely be at the top of your list. After all, I'm convinced this is one of the many wonders of the world. Who doesn't want to know the evolution of cleaning?! :)  


  1. The building is also a completely green building from what I have heard. It has taken many years for it to finally come together too.

  2. Have you ever actually gone in the cleaning museum? Don Aslett HIMSELF gave us a tour because, I mean, obviously I was DYING to tour the place (there are even BILLBOARDS for the place on I-15 in Utah when heading north), and he showed us inside the clock tower, which he told us will make a FLUSHING SOUND on the hour instead of a bell chiming. So, yes. More power to you, Mr. Aslett.

  3. So this is a small world..... Found your blog through another girls blog and so I started reading some of your posts..... You're in poky. Haha so am I! :) I grew up here though.....weird! Anyway, LOVE your blog layout. Very cute.


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