January 25, 2012

5 things I know for sure

1. The sewing world...very complex my friends. So complex in fact that I don't even know where to begin. My head is swimming with all sorts of sewing jargon. It feels like a whole new language. BUT, I have learned how to thread the bobbin and the machine. I'd say that is a fabulous start!

2. I got this little sled on a Christmas sale last weekend. $30 down to $8, absolute STEAL of the day! Is it Christmas yet? Do I own a house? Because this baby sure would look darling leaning up against the side of my front door.

3. It doesn't get much better than Yo Crazy. These new ice cream shops that let you decide how much you want in your cup... genius idea because you can get sorbert and chocolate in the same cup without getting any strange looks but not such a great idea for the New Year's resolution, "get fit but don't completely deprive yourself."

picnik1 Picnik is Closing: Now What?
4. I'm really upset that Picnik is closing. For those of you who don't know what Picnik is, it's a very user-friendly editing program for pictures. I have used it for the last year and a half and love it. I'm just not sure I have the time to learn Photoshop. It is just as complex, if not more to me than sewing HA. Oh the hobbies I have acquired.

5. I can't wait for Valentines Day... I have some pretty lovey-dovey plans in store for Nic and I! Lets hope I'm healthy by then... I sure do have the crappiest immune system in the world.


1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! I'm totally bummed about Picnik too...waaah! Good luck with your sewing machine; you can do it!!


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