On the sixth {and final} date of Christmas.....
We went on a getaway weekend to Salt Lake City! It was the first time we've really gone anywhere and stayed in a hotel since our honeymoon so I was really excited! On Friday night we saw a play called Savior of the World which was INCREDIBLE. It was the perfect way to remember the reason for the season. Saturday we spent pretty much the entire day drooling over the new City Creek Center mall. I've never seen so many name brand stores in my life! In the late afternoon - early evening we went to look at the beautiful temple lights. The statue of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus floating in the reflection pool with candles everywhere was by far my favorite part!! And now for the pictures...
These displays were hung in Macy's windows and were made entirely out of candy, it was amazing!
I'm definitely hoping we can do this again next year!