Me and my planning self would have the next 20 years of my life completely mapped out by now.
I'd be stress free and require less sleep.
I would devote the kind of time I wish I had to writing like all of the blogging mom's I envy.
I would change the life of every child that stepped foot in my classroom.
I would always have something inspirational to say - to those who've been let done, worried about the future, or afraid of change.
I would spend all of my time serving those around me.
Instead, I strap on my big girl pants and take it one day at a time.
Because the truth is - In a perfect world, I wouldn't be me.
I'm certainly not perfect and the world is a far cry from being so.
But in the midst of all the chaos that is my daily life.
It is pretty perfect to me.
This life only happens once - We've got one chance
to Love With All Our Heart
to Shine
to Always Forgive
to Never Give Up Hope
to Have Faith
to Have Fun
to Take Chances
to Live with No Regrets
to Fight for What We Believe In
to Make Memories
and to find the GOOD in every single day.
hehe, big girl pants (or panties as I say) I think you've got it pretty good! Don't worry!