November 14, 2011

10 Weekend Loves

1. Ate tacos every day of the weekend which, if you have read this, then you know that is a bounding leap out of the every day box for us. Leftovers last weeks around here when it's just dinner for two.
2. Remember when we tried these a couple weeks ago. We made cinnamon sugar ones this time, which were probably a heart attack and a half, but yeah right, like we were going to actually pass up that opportunity. I.Don't.Think.So. As I was cleaning up, I look over to find the husband licking every last speck off the plate - I'd say he enjoyed himself. Find the recipe here.
3. Did some procrastinating... um I mean homework for more hours than I can count... blah.
4. Day dreamed about Thanksgiving break next week. AMEN!
5. Spent lots of time in hoodies and sweats, the best kind of weekend clothing in my opinion.
6. Countless hours spent snuggled up under our down comforter sharing our hopes, dreams, desires, goals. I could talk to that boy for hours and never run out of anything to say. It simply amazes me every time. HE amazes me. It is like falling in love all over again.
7. Had our first Christmasy giggles - Elf does the trick every time!
8. Fell asleep Sunday night watching the happiest Disney movie ever made {Tangled} - Not to mention the continuous stream of cute little boy giggles coming from my husband as if he were a kid in a candy store. It might be his favorite movie.
9. We took a trip to Costco to enjoy a few samples for lunch. Costco offers the best kind of munching if you didn't know. Let the husband drool over the massive T.V.s as usual and ended up leaving the store with a new little card table which has now become our office desk.
10. Found the last piece of my Christmas wreath to begin making with my Thanksgiving break free time next week. I'm really excited about it! {more to come on that}

Hope you all had a weekend full of loves like we did!

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