September 8, 2011

Him and Me, Random as Can Be!

I'll admit it right up front.. we are quirky, silly, goofy people.
Our quirks are probably what made us fall in love in the first place so I kind of like them :)


* The radio or TV volume has to be on an EVEN number {I freak out and change it if it isn't}

* I can't stand sleeping with a pillow under my head, instead I surround myself with them {my family used to always tell me I looked like a burrowing bunny}

* I'm not a huge fan of pets and am slightly afraid of big dogs

* I never stop singing and have been called a personal jute box

* I brush my teeth so hard the bristles are mangled after one week of using it {for some reason I truly believe it is cleaning my teeth better}

* I can't stand going to the doctor and will avoid it at all costs


* When reading a book or watching a movie.. forget about ANY form of communication

* He doesn't know how to blow his nose {his idea of nose blowing consists of rolled up toilet paper and stuffing it up there}

* He calls himself a "closet nerd" and is usually found playing Halo

* When we run he always makes sure that I am on the inside of the sidewalk to ensure my safety {so sweet I know!}

*  He sings out proudly at church even though he is slightly tone deaf {I love this about him haha}

* He researches everything before making a decision or purchase {i.e. household items, diamonds, places to live, schools to attend, etc.} 


* We both aren't huge fans of change

* We have a routine we stick to every morning

* We eat the same thing for breakfast and lunch every day; we rotate between 2 dinner meals every night {shrimp and rice or salad}

* We like to have photo-shoots where we pretend to be in a certain situation and act it out haha

 Pretend like you are watching a horror movie

 Pretend like you are about to be bit by a mosquito

Pretend you are REALLY bored

I always said I'd marry a nerd and couldn't be happier that I found him! I love our life together even if it is random as can be!


  1. love love love this. You two are so cute together! xoxxo, Ashley from the shine project


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