September 2, 2011

Friday's Favorite: SM

Since it is her birthday this weekend and she is just an all around amazing person, I thought I would share with you the woman who has made a wonderful impact on my life; my SM Edie.

Over the years Edie has been a special person to me in my life. She cooked meals for me, washed my clothes that I had only worn for a few hours (conserving was not in my vocabulary back then), proof read my papers for Honors and AP English in high school, and rolled my hair in foam curlers the night before dance competitions. She did the kinds of things that any mom would do that often go unnoticed or at least no given praise for. She has been to everything... piano recitals, dance competitions, graduation and yet those are just a few things out of the whole mile long list of others that I know I am leaving out. However, this list does not include the most important of all things she has done for me and that is she has always been my friend and someone I can count on to talk to. Whether it be about school, boys, work, friends, family... whether it be about happy moments or sad ones... she still always listened and often offered wonderful advice. Edie and my dad recently moved to Denver, Colorado. It didn't really hit me until I went home a few weeks ago and they were no longer there. I couldn't drop by to visit. It was different and I'm not a huge fan of different but I know they did it because it was what was best for them and their future. I know that I would do the same with a career opportunity that I couldn't afford to turn down. I must say that I am grateful for modern technology (cell phones, email, skype) that still allow me to talk to them. I can't imagine waiting a week to get a letter in the mail and never hearing their voices or seeing their faces. Modern technology definitely helps. I'm dying for Christmas to role around so that I can see them again

you're 30 now right?!
30, Flirty, and Fabulous!!

Wish I could spend it with you but hope Denver does just as good of a job at throwing you a party as Boise would. I hope dad spoils you and makes it a day you will always remember because that is exactly what you deserve! Thank you for all you have done for me. You hold a truly special place in my heart. I love you.


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