September 1, 2011

25 Credits Look Like.... One Step Closer

In case you were wondering,
This is what 25 credits look like......

I made it through my first week of school {and let me just say, it was a CLOSE call}!
6:30 a.m. wake up calls and late nights studying/paper writing/reading were a bit of a wake up call for me.

The other day I completely forgot my binder... yes, I was that annoying kid who had to sheepishly lean over to their neighbor and whisper (embarrassed beyond belief)
Me: "Do you have a piece of paper I can borrow" (I love how I always say borrow as if I am planning on returning it to them with all my scribbles at the end of class)
Annoyed Neighbor: "Uhh.. yeah."
Me: "Thank you so much, you are a life savor! It has been one of those mornings ya know.."
Neighbor: "(insert sigh) uh huh"

Then the next day I come trying to start up a conversation again..
Me: "Don't worry, I remembered to bring my binder today!"
Neighbor: "Good for you..."

I remember thinking to myself, well that didn't go very well. Thank you anyway friendly neighbor, you really did save me from writing a page of notes on my hand. I will be sure to never forget paper again, learned my lesson on that one!

Looking beyond that ginormous stack of books, I am THAT much closer to accomplishing my goal, fulfilling my dream, becoming a TEACHER!
I will be leaving this school with my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.

Being in the education program, I always get at least one teacher every semester who asks me why I want to become a teacher.
I've gotten to spend a lot of time really thinking about it and this is what I discovered.
I absolutely love the learning process.
There is something so incredible when you look into the eyes of one of your students and something changes.
The confusion fades.
The light bulb goes on.
A subtle smile emerges from their lips
A HUGE smile is plastered across my face every single time.

One of the first times I had an experience like this I was an elementary teacher aide in a special education classroom. I had been working with a girl who had a speech impediment and could barely make out a handful of words. She struggled even more with names. Every time I saw her she would always say "hi" but wasn't able to remember or say my name. I could tell she wanted to so badly. Sometimes I would think I even heard her try but it never kept her from always saying hello to me. I was having a particularly rough day one day and was feeling pretty down when I walked into the classroom. Trying to hide my emotions, I noticed her out of the corner of my eye hiding beneath a table giggling with another teacher. I could just tell by the way she was interacting with this teacher that today was a particularly good day for this little girl. In that moment I knew that being there was exactly what I needed to turn my mood around. It wasn't a few seconds after I walked in the room that she noticed me and I couldn't believe what happened next... She shouted "Hi Miss Meagan" with a huge grin on her face. It was as if my world turned upside down in that moment. I'll never forget it.

There is one other reason I love to teach. Teaching is my way of being able to make a difference in the world. Even if I end up only touching one child's life.. 5 years of college credits and the stress and sleepless nights that come along with them will be 100% worth EVERY SINGLE second.


On another note, I have been waiting all summer for a certain part of school that I was excited for. It may sound totally silly and cheesy but it didn't stop me from grinning on the first day when the teacher took role and called out "Meagan Williamson". :) I love being a Williamson. I hope I always get that giddy feeling every time I hear my name. So far it hasn't worn off.

1 comment:

  1. I can't say I've read all the books in that pile but I'm very familiar with a very large share of them. I'm glad to hear you survived the first week and think you've almost survived the second week as well! I'm positive you're going to make a great teacher and frankly it makes me giggle that you are so excited to be hear Meagan Williamson. Awesome for you!


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