July 21, 2011

What I Would Tell High School Me

Dear High School me,
There are some things I wish you knew back then that I know now. But I also know that I wouldn't be who I am today without you and the things you went through. I want you to know that the hard lessons you learn are important and make you a stronger person. I want you to know that all those friends you make who seem like your whole world at the time... only a few stay close to you when you leave the walls of that place. But the ones who do, will be your best friends for the rest of your life. I want you to know that those moments when your heart is broken and you feel like it is the end of the world, they honestly won't even matter 5 years from now. I know that is SO hard to believe, but it is SO true. Those boys who break your heart are there to lead you to the man who never will. Don't let anything stop you from believing in what you do because ultimately your beliefs are the foundation of your life and guide you to do the right things. I want you to know that there is a whole world out there waiting for you. It is a world full of dreams. It is a scary world. The classes you are taking are preparing you for college, the homework is teaching you deadlines, and the teachers are pushing you to look beyond your reach. Graduation day feels like the end of a chapter but it is just because you are going to begin an even better one. I know it is hard to believe now, but your life isn't going to go exactly how you planned it and it's okay. I know you struggle with change and have a hard time deviating from your plans but be willing because those changes in plans are EXACTLY what you need. More importantly, they are God's will for your life, not your own will. But trust me when I say, they quickly become your own will and you will love everything about them. Love every moment you have to spend with your family because someday, you just might not all live in the same town. But most importantly out of everything I have told you, always remember that life is short, so enjoy every single moment. Soak it all in. Don't regret anything because you will never be able to take it back. Forgive and forget so that your heart is open to every new idea, day, and choice that comes your way. You have a beautiful life ahead of you so don't take any day for granted and never stop dreaming.

Love, 21 year old me


  1. I love these type of letters. Your's holds some very important lessons in it. Just imagine what you're letter will say when you are close to thirty and looking back at your 21 year old you! It's amazing how life changes and how you grow with each change, isn't it?

  2. I was thinking the same thing Mady!


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