June 6, 2011


Being newly-married and with me in college we aren't the richest people on the block if you know what I mean :) But we have created a budget and I know that if we stick to it everything will work out!

Well speaking of the budget, I have been up on my 2 year contract with Verizon since February but my phone was working fine and I knew I would be switching over to a plan with Nic once we got married so I held off. Well it was now time to get a new phone and man has the technology changed in just two years. When I got my phone it was the latest and greatest but now they don't even make it anymore?!

I am really not a fan of sales people because I feel like a lot of the time they are not out for the best interest of the customer but rather what will make them the most money in the long run.

Anyway, back to my new phone story!

As I am looking online all these new phones have come out and guess what... ALL the really fancy cool ones require a data package. So if you want one, you better be willing to add an extra $30 a month to your phone bill! What the heck.. what if I don't even use Internet in the first place? It is ridiculous that you can't just get a smartphone without a data package. I think Internet would be really addicting on my phone so it is probably a good thing I don't have it anyway.

2 phones ago I used to have a pink LG chocolate and I absolutely loved it! Too bad they don't make that one anymore either!

Nic really wants an iphone and I don't blame him. Hopefully our budget in the future will be able to support one smartphone but for me, I'm fine sticking with the budget friendly version from Amazon. :)

Oh Verizon... you are seriously killing me!

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