April 21, 2011


I have heard that in order to be a "good wife" that I need to learn how to make my man homemade rolls. The whole "good wife" thing is a joke of course.

SO... since that title will become official soon I decided to practice.

These days, well really over a year and a half now, we do pretty much everything together.

So we decided to practice making some delicious rolls together :)

Not sure this is the best kind of yeast to use since it was my first time but it never really bubbled like it was supposed to. We weren't sure if we killed it from the water being too hot, or didn't activate it because the water wasn't hot enough. Oh man is it a talent. With the second packet we just decided to go with it.

See how the dough looks a little shiny? My advice... don't use 1/2 olive oil butter.

Our rolls after being kneaded and rolled.

After we let them raise for 3 hours... a.k.a FOREVER

They look a little flat and not like Martha Stewart but hey, edible for the first go-around? I'd say that is a success!!!

Things I would change for next time:

1. Buy more yeast.

2. Use butter that does not have 1/2 olive oil to make it healthier.
haha they sort of turned out a little greasier than usual

3. Learn to have more "cooking patience" (I say "cooking" because I actually have a lot of patience for a lot of things, but I haven't ever tried making something that takes close to 4 hours!! usually there are pretty immediate results if you know what I mean :)


  1. They are noble effort. I dare say that I've been making rolls for years and sometime they still turn out that way. It takes practice to get the water right and finding the right yeast and everything. Also a tidbit sometimes the amount of flour they say put in isn't enough and sometimes it's too much. Olive oil isn't bad for rolls. In fact most of the recipes I uses I use olive oil instead of butter just cause well...I do. I think you'll be great at cooking rolls once you find a recipe you like!

  2. Mady you are so awesome. Thank you for the great tips! I used Sister Davis's recipe but let me just say.. they tasted nothing like her rolls. I knew that about the flour so I didn't really measure.. maybe I didn't put enough in? They definitely weren't dry. The reason why I thought maybe the olive oil was a bad thing was because they turned out really greasy? I definitely will give it another go and see if they come out better the next time. By the way... what kind of yeast do you use??

  3. I suggest part of your problem was the flour. Just by the pictures I think maybe you didn't put enough in. It is a fine art with breads in general. I actually just use the yeast you can buy in bulk at Winco but also Fleischmann's yeast I like a lot as well. I've never been a fan of Red Star as I've never gotten it to work right. Also tidbit. Make sure you put some sugar in the water with the yeast. It's needs something to eat but whatever you do don't add salt to the yeast water because salt actually hurts yeast. I'm trying to think of all the bits of helpfulness I've picked up over the years. When you've mixed all the flour and and other ingredients with the water remember it should look like a round ball and shouldn't flatten out really easy. If it has you don't have enough flour. I hope these help and if you have any other questions let me know!

  4. Thank you thank you thank you for all your wonderful tips! These definitely help and I'm thinking it was too little of flour too. I'm ready to try this again!


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