March 16, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away....

There has been a constant rain in the good old town of Pocatello the last few days.
My whole life I have always hated the rain. Go figure... I used to live in Seattle haha.
I don't think it is fun to dance in the rain or cute to be kissed in the rain.
I hate being wet when I don't have to be.
Rain Rain Go Away...
and DON'T Come Back Another Day!
On a happier note: (March) and April showers, bring May flowers!!! Couldn't be happier or more excited for a month in my life!!! Bring on May, and please bring beautiful sunshine with it!


  1. That just made me really happy because I'm pretty sure I've never met a woman on earth that doesn't think it's cute to be kissed in the rain hahaha.

  2. I agree that cold rain is no fun but I have to disagree that warm rain is bad. But frankly I can see where you wouldn't like rain. Everyone has different tastes. Just remember dear Megan, without the rain flowers wouldn't get the moisture they need to sprinkle our lives with beauty. Even the darkest of times eventually will bring forth something bright and beautiful...don't I sound all philosophical? :)


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